this idiot

In category:Politics
Post by:vastii

this idiot over here

fact checking is only so helpful these days. trump is a bully and doesn’t deserve the common decency given to him by anyone.

ideally, news stations would cease airing him live. reporters in the press pool could then just start shouting out his inaccuracies and dumb statements, refusing to quiet, until he leaves the stage.

oh one other thing...

some of the deaths from this virus were inevitable, but trump is responsible for the rest. we can only hope that the various strikes work, the stock market is destroyed, and he is deposed in a revolution. if so, anyone who lost a family member to the virus should be able to line up and punch him as hard as they’d like – in the gut, the face, whatever – and we prevent him from losing consciousness.

it’s what an immature bully like him deserves.

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