This Break...

In category:Leisure
Post by:LioConvoy

Alas... the break is over... good times, bad times... but all in all, I'm glad I went back. It was fun for the most part it was fun. The dinner we all had was fun, I got to play many role playing games and life was good. I spent the first part of the break living the life of a junior Keith Richards, smoking much chiba and boozing it up like no one's business. One night I decided to kill a bottle of wine just cause it was there. It was all this insane revelry that led to a seizure. Not necessarily bad... but a sign that I should fucking slow down. And of course who can forget the Egg Nog Challenge... Where I showed that pussy Caniprokis what was up. What a vagina. Anyhoo I was the champion, and it was a good way to end my vacation. I had a great time and I want you all to know that I love and miss all of you.

Till All Are One

LioConvoy Out...

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