This and That

In category:People
Post by:Levres

Happy Birthday FlyingTim. It's too bad you couldn't come to the extension of the birthday party at Lio's place. The cake was really good.

So my father and I went to the Patriots Carolina game on Friday night. It's preseason and all, so there weren't too many people there. Most of the people we tailgate with gave their tickets away and what not. Anyway, that's not what I'm here to bitch about. I'm here to bitch about increased security because of September 11. I mean, I'm all up for feeling safe, but a good portion of the measures they're taking are ridiculous. They always frisk you before they let you into the stadium, but it was mostly to make sure you're not bringing in beer or anything really dangerous. This year, they really pat you down, I almost felt a little violated with that bitch feeling between my legs. Anyhow, the guy patted down my dad and he had his pocket knife on him. They made him throw it out. A little pocket knife, maybe an inch and a half long blade, what is he going to do with that? Like he's going to hold a stadium with 70,000 people hostage with a pocket knife? What does it accomplish to make him throw it out? I mean, if he wanted to use it, he could probably do just as much damage with his car keys which were allowed in. Or how about ripping a Guiness can and using that. Cell phones are allowed in and I've seen a few hollowed out cell phones that I could use to sneak in more damaging stuff than a pocket knife. All I'm saying is if a person wanted to do damage they could. These security measures would do nothing to stop it if it were going to happen.

And let me just throw in my semesterly bitching about books. I know a few of you don't have to worry about that anymore and good for you. I'm still getting railed in the ass, paying nearly $300 for four classes worth of books. Bah.

That's all I have to say. I hope insult shapes up soon. It's getting pretty sad, people not posting for days at a time and then not posting about the most interesting stuff when they do post. I think Lio is my favorite poster for posting good stuff. Wilson's right up there too, but his posts are so rare. I want to see you people bitch about stuff! There is so much to complain about. What happened to you all!

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