This and that

In category:Music
Post by:wilson

Well... I've been having some luck downloading Full MP3 albums lately, which is nice. Since napster went down, I've had no good way of getting my hands on full albums which didn't require uploading for like 3 hours to some assholes computer on fucking crappy @home service. Then, half the time the fucking server got fucked up, or I got disconnected some how and lost all my credits. Anyhow, I've downloaded a few albums, and it's nice to have some new music.

I don't follow all the self-rightous talk that is bantered about about downloading games, or music, or software, or whatever rather than buying it. Like there is some inherent "goodness" in paying for the things you use. I think it all comes down to personal preference.. Maybe you like to have the big fucking cardboard box and documentation with the software you get, maybe you like the case art on the dvd or cd, and that's important to you. What I don't agree with is the hard line that people take, like it actually makes a difference what I do. I see one of two possibilities happening:

  1. I download and use or listen to the thing I download, and don't pay for it.
  2. Don't download or use this thing, and likewise don't pay for it.

Where is the issue here? It's not as if I have enough money to actually buy the things that I Steal, and yes, I admit, it's stealing. Who cares. So, where do people get off on this self-rightous tangent about how I'm personally killing the gaming industry, movie industry, [insert your industry here] industry? I don't fucking follow, maybe someone here who takes that hard line can interject.

Anyway, so I downloaded the new busta rhymes and de la soul albums. I don't think either of them are out yet... I think the busta rhymes album is pretty good, I'm not blown away by the de la soul album. Maybe it's just because I expected a lot, and was looking forward to hearing it. I also grabbed the Outkast album, which I heard alot of in Vermont, and knew I liked to a certain degree already.

I also downloaded NBA2k2 and NFL2k2 this weekend.. I've only gotten to play NBA2k2.. which I must say looks great and plays great. It's kinda hard to play with lots of people, since each game takes 20 minutes, but I still like it.

I wish they would release super monkey ball for the dreamcast, so I could DOWNLOAD and PLAY it.

There's still a bunch of fucking albums I want and cant find.. Pink Floyd Echoes and a few others come to mind... I wish I knew what CDs everyone else had, so that I could get some copy lovin.. Then again, I bet I'd get a whole bunch of fucking crap about how copying is bad and I'm personally going to put kid rock out of business, and how horrid that would be. Please note that this is just an example, as the only reason I would download a kid rock album is if it actually contributed to kid rock being hurt in some way, financially or otherwise.

One thing that's for sure is that there is a *ton* of garbage music out there right now.. The amount of songs sampling songs that I recognize as recent songs is bothering me.

I saw pork rinds at cumerland farms just the other day in North Branford, I think.


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