The streets aren't safe for a playa anymore

In category:Sports
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r Check that out, before it's too late......

P.S. Baseball rulez and the supreme court decision is bullshit, if the PGA says walking is a rule of the game then that's a rule of the game, the Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't apply. I'd like to see those fatass judges walk 18 holes in the sun all day and then tell me it's not a factor in the game, any golfer would tell you that if he/she wasn't so terrified of being labeled an insensitive monster. And furthermore, the PGA SAYS it's a rule of their game. CASE CLOSED, they say it's a rule, it's a fucking rule. If Steven Hawking wants to take up a career in the cherished game of baseball would the supreme court step in and say he has the right to run the bases in his wheelchair? A lot of people are letting emotions engulf the parts of their brains that govern rational thought. Sure it sucks to be that dude, sure we all want him to go play golf and beat all the non handicapped people and then we can watch tv movies about it called "Dream On A Tee". But the bottom line is he isn't physically capable of playing by the rules of the game and it's not right for the government to step in and fuck around. He gets a cart because he can't handle the course? Can I have a big robot swinging machine because I can't fucking hit the ball well? Come on government, give a homie a break? And while you're at it, give me a cart too because my cock is so big that it's hard for me to walk a lot.

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