The Road Ahead

In category:Life
Post by:Caniprokis

Its funny but not funny at all. we are all reaching that impass in our lives where we actually stop look in the mirror and say "who the fuck am i? and what the fuck am i doing?" some of us may be dissappointed with the answer, i mean noone wants to be a janitor but someone has to clean up other peoples shit and one of those people could be you. on the other hand some may be surprised at what they can accomplish. ill tell you right now im pretty scared. im about to not only move out of my house for the first time ever, but im doing it by going 3000 miles away, im leaving all i know and love behind knowing only that i prolly wont die in the next year, im leaving my friends that mean so much to me behind, my girlfriend, my family, everything i know and im just going to get in my car and start driving. i feel like im living a 1960's song. it would go something like this i think, " rolling in my mustang down highway 95, headin to california, hope i can stay alive, with my guitar my drum and a bag in my hand, nothing to lose but nothings always what i am" or some happy horseshit like that. anyways dont get me worng its awesome this is going to be the adventure of a life time but its still scary. well like in that great bert remolds movie Smokey and the Bandit ill leave you with this. left hammer down 18 wheels and rollin we gunnu do what they say cant be done we got a long way to go and a short time to get there so just sit back and whach ole bandit run.


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