The Omega Code.

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Pappy

Gah.  When christian visual-artists are asked to place the technology visuals into a movie, things are bad enough.  But when you throw in a guy who talks with an odd almost-pouty expression, and simple plot.. well... I feel stupid after watching the movie.

Even the intro trailer on the DVD (or was it a short?  I don't remember) was very sappy/semi-religious too.. and the company that produced The Omega Code has an animated logo like you'd see for Sunburst videos in the late 80s. Remember those?  They were educational videos (science, history, math, etc) that the schools used.

Now, I have this movie until Monday.. and really wanted to watch a new movie.  I wanted to give up after an hour.. but left it in because I am a moron I guess.  It's just that the movie is so "gah" (say it aloud, short 'a').


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