The oldest trick in the book

In category:News
Post by:Caniprokis

"Aziz said Monday that the only remaining issues between weapons inspectors and Iraq are overflights by U-2 spy planes and the private interviewing of Iraq scientists by inspectors.

But in a letter released Thursday from science adviser Gen. Amer al-Saadi inviting the monitoring chiefs to return, Iraq said it wants to "jointly study means of verification in disarmament issues" and to re-establish a "consolidated monitoring system." (yeah sure you lying cum gargling cunt)

Iraq's U.N. Ambassador Mohammed Aldouri delivered the letter to Blix personally Thursday evening, and spent about an hour inside Blix's office. Afterward, Aldouri said he hoped Blix and ElBaradei would return to Iraq.

"It's a question of war," Aldouri said. "We want them to come to Iraq to resolve differences."(Eat my ass you lying sack of donkey piss)

But Blix said Thursday there had been no movement on the issues of the scientist interviews or U-2 flights." - from see full story here:

What the fuck? we need more time? there fucking stalling now man, something bad is in the works something very bad, and its going to really suck. oh were going to be at war alright, and were going to have the smoking gun, sooner than all you liberal democrat fuckjobs think. and ill bet its some kind of crazy shit too, death like we havent seen since WWII, and Vietnam. Why? because we waited thats fucking why. jesus man how plain do saddam need to make this. ill bet hes sitting in some bunkerd palace somewhere in iraq "laughing his sick fucking ass off" to quote al pachino from the devils advocate. i hope that when im dead because saddam blows up Los Angeles with a nuke that your all very fucking happy you waited for the smoking gun. assholes!

P.S. when you read this after im dead and im right i hope you fucking cry!

if i stand alone, ill fight for you

948 out

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