The name is Mannix!

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

It's sort of odd, eh, that no one's said much of anything about the war on here since it began - hell, it's hardly been mentioned in three weeks. I can say that I think I sort of conditioned myself to expect an absurdly short war, Six-Day War magnitude, which was just completely unrealistic.

When I see someone like Lindsey, someone who seems completely incapable of controlling her life, my first response is to wonder whether they're thinking about committing suicide. Like, I can't imagine anyone in her position being happy enough with their life to want to prolong it - however, there are loads of people in far, far worse situations than her who aren't committing suicide. Suicide's not that common, really. I wonder if I'd be able to hold up if I was in her situation, and I wonder what keeps her (or my sister) going - a belief in God, stubborness, some foundation of actual happiness despite the situation.

Anyways, stuff here has sort of turned around - it looks like I'm pretty much cleared for graduation, ready to go. I need to pass (just pass) three classes: Dutch, Statistics, and some silly math course called Infinity and the Depths of Imagination or Explorations: Infinity and You, you know. It's odd how something as unlikely as the possibility of me failing something weighs upon me, bleh, I need to stop worrying about it. It's snowing.


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