the jockocracy that is northeastern university

In category:Life
Post by:arcee

Tonight I would like to rant about the fair city of Boston. I live in between two sections of Boston called Mission Hill and Jamaica Plain. Some would call it the "ghetto," I feel like it's no better or worse than any other part of the city. I have lived here for two, going on three years now and I have never felt this unsafe.

A friend of mine was walking his girlfriend home (she lives in a dorm) earlier this week and noticed a group of guys following them. They were yelling at him about how hot his girlfriend was and so on. Then they approached, my friend asked them what they wanted and to leave them alone. They did not ask for any money, only spoke of their intentions for the girl. He told her to run, and swung his backpack in an attempt to ward the men off of her. One of them pulled out a knife and stabbed my friend, puncturing his lung and hitting the bone. The men ran, the girl was unharmed, my friend was let out of the hospital last night.

Tonight I went to Blockbuster to pick up a movie with a female friend of mine. As I was returning with my movie, a horde of frat boy type meatheads were roaming around in front of us. They were taking up the entire sidewalk and some of the adjacent street. There was oncoming traffic, so we couldnt cross the street and avoid them, and stopping would have invited attention. To pass them, my friend and I walked into the street and back onto the sidewalk in front of them. I don't know what we did to offend them, but a barrage of sexual threats were made. The ast comment I heard was something to the effect of "It's all the same in the dark sweetheart." I wanted to turn around and ask them what the fuck was wrong with them, but I thought that may not be to my advantage.

Around 2:30 this morning, I finished watching a movie at my friend's place and walked the three blocks home. There were the usual bums, and my friendly neighborhood prostitute, and I realized, that I had more to worry about walking through the Northeastern University area than I did in the place where the Northeastern fucks call the ghetto. I guess all this rambling has taken me to a few conclusions, 1: The only thing worse than a meathead, is a group of meatheads. Fucking Assholes. 2: Pepper spray is illegal in MA, but is legal in CT ( and on order). 3: I'd like to think that all people are inherently good, but lately that is difficult to believe.

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