The Jockocracy

In category:People
Post by:wilson

Of course it's good to be a jock, there's never been a question of that. The amount of fucking coddling that members of the jockocracy recieve is completely unparaelleled by any other socioeconomic group that I can think of. This is all well and good for the average jock until.. Oh, thats right! The real world bites you in the ass. Your string of jock rule ends right around age.. Oh, I'd say 25ish, where silly high-school bullshit like how far you can throw a ball DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER unless you're a professional athelete. I would reason that less than half a percent of the jockocracy makes it to professional athelete status. The other 99.5% of the group become fat, angry gym teachers, disgruntled laborers, wife beaters, bored housewives, paunchy, balding pyramid scheme operators, thieves, etc. Where does this leave us? Well, it leaves us with 99.5% of the jock population unnecessecerily coddled (As their sports "careers" are going to take them NO WHERE) and in the position where they become spoiled little brats that expect special treatment. Go ahead, have your special fucking treatment. While you're out running laps, going to eliteist little team dinners, hanging up those annoying fucking inspirational posters, and bitching about how the school doesn't give enough money to sports - RELISH THOSE MOMENTS. They're fleeting, and, more than that, some day you'll realize how hollow and stupid they are. Fucking sheep.

I have a fucking ton to say about this, but I think that I'll stop here, as you get the gist of it if you're not too busy pounding creatine shakes.

What the whole issue comes down to is that OF COURSE everyone likes preferential treatment. It's tons of fun to be king, or dictator, or to fuck the system up for everyone else - until it all ends. The jockocracy is just another form of Fascism - and you could go look the word up to understand what I'm talking about if you weren't so busy talking about how many reps you just did, and how you're fucking carbo-loading.

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