The Good and The Bad

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

This will be short, it is late.

Today was a good and a bad day.. it started out mild and before noon (a plus). I had an easy drive (a plus) to the Mall (a minus). I quickly found a great gift for my mom (a plus), and grabbed an awesomely fresh croissant and some good coffee (another plus) from a place on my way out. I then had one of my fastest drives to Connecticut (a plus). I was going well over 80mph the whole way.

Everyone was in a good mood at the parent's house (a plus). My dad invited nice people to the party (a plus). It's interesting how different their friends are now compared to when I was a kid. On two levels really. They are better friends now (closer) and also in a completely different financial class. My family was pretty broke until fairly recently.

It's different now being older at these functions. There is the beer drinking (a plus) and there is a lot of talking. It's nice to talk about some things and not feel weird.. like.. grown-up topics. Stuff that is usually considered boring, but interesting to the people involved in the discussion. Like, my dad can (and has) talk for quite a while about the way coaxial cable is made. There is a lot to talk about believe it or not. It's fairly interesting to me, I sat through that conversation a few weeks ago. Anyway, its a new type of discussion. If I go to a party here at school and start talking on and on about dark fibre, optical networks, 'killer apps', and/or 'the email' I'd either have nobody to talk to, or it would just be weird as hell and people would probably find it odd. But middle aged executives/professionals eat that shit up.

After that I dropped by to see Caniprokis for a bit (a triple plus).

Then after that I drove home. The road was very quiet (a plus), but I couldn't speed as easily (a minus). They were so quiet, I ended up spacing out and missing my exit (a double minus). That was a good 30 minute waste of my time. I couldn't even turn around since there was a fucking river or some shit between the highways (a minus). The radio cuts out not far beyond my normal exit.. really could pick up very little in my detour (a minus).

I came home, unloaded my car, put some food in the freezer, noticed the dishes in the sink are gone (a plus), and here I am (a minus!). So I'm going to go to bed now (a plus). My score for the day is a +9 (15 pluses, 6 minuses).

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