The flood gates have opened

In category:Life
Post by:MC

Well Wilson, you keep insisting that Jesus would do what everyone else is doing because He was just a normal guy, but not everyone I know sits around on a Lazy-Boy chair, with a 40, a joint, and a bunch of hoes. Maybe that's what people you know do, but I can't think of anyone I know that does that. Besides, I think it's pretty safe to assume that Jesus has more morals than that. Plus, from my religious experience, I seem to recall that the large majority of things that Jesus did were *LEGAL*, or would be considered *LEGAL* now. Now, I'm not saying that people don't partake in some of these activities, because I know some people who do, and I'm not really saying that they shouldn't, but I really don't think that the Son of God would partake in something like that. I also don't think that He would just sit around. He's the freaking Son of God. Don't you think that that would give Him something to do besides be a lazy bastard? Now...about the catholic school girls and the hoes. The man was (approximately) 33 years old when He died, and still a virgin. I really don't think He would have a problem with the school girls, and I really don't think He would even think about having a hoe. Besides, from descriptions, I don't think He was the *most* attractive man.

To put things shortly, I think Jesus would have stronger morals than we today have, and would therefore be obeying the law and what His Father would want him to do. (But hey, I guess it's only my opinion...based on a Christian upbringing. Believe what you want.)

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