The Filth Hole... Past, Present, and Without a Future...

In category:Leisure
Post by:LioConvoy

Hey folks, this is LioConvoy longtime reader, seldom times poster. Now, I realize the majority of people reading this don't know me or many of Pappy's Connecticut friends. For those that this applies to feel free to disregard this rant, it will make no sense to you. I was recently taking stock of how shitty my life is at school right now, however this time is different. In years past when this would happen I could always console myself by the fact that all my friends would be back at home when I got there. This is no longer the case. The denizens of the Filth Hole have split, and that isn't good.

I established the Filth Hole (Our basement hangout spot in Connecticut) in the fall of 1997. It was a dismal time for me. I had grown up a spoiled brat who's Daddy had made lots of money as a corporate attorney. However when Daddy's main client got sent up the river, so did 90% of our family's income. My entire life was unfolding on me and a time of great change was at hand. I had an out from this, though.

I started having my friends come over for extended weekends, where we would hang out, do geek shit, and just have a great time. It was easy back then, everyone was cool with eachother. It was this time hanging out with my friends and enjoying their company that allowed me an escape from my problems, and it served me well. With a little help from my friends, i got through a rough spot in my life.

Time went on and various feuds happened. So-and-So doesn't like person "A". John Doe is going out with John Smith's ex-girlfriend. Standard teenage bullshit. The unity that we had as kids cracked and splintered as most relationships do, but we still had the basic friendship.

Last month these petty squabbles erupted into an all out war. Words were said between friends who've been closer than brothers that can never be taken back. It seems almost as if the happy go lucky days of the Filth Hole are officially dead.

I'm not coming home this Thanksgiving. And I'm almost glad. If I don't have a Filth Hole to return to, I have nothing. When I'm home I'm going to have to plan my days like "Ok, Well, this person can come over today, because this person isn't going to be here. Then tommorrow I can hang out with that person." I find that disgusting.

When I come home in December, I will be exhausted. If I pass all of my classes it will be by the skin of my teeth. Celebration will be in order. I am going to throw a MEGA-KEGGER. EVERYONE is invited. If you want to come I plead with you (Hell even you, Boof) to come down, chill the fuck out and get fuckin' RIPPED! If you are going to be childish enough to let stupid shit keep you from coming, my condolensces you just missed out on a phat time. I'm not asking people to make up and pretend they like eachother, I'm just asking you to come out and join me, your friend, in celebration for a semester that nearly killed me. Thank you.

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