The End Is Near

In category:Education
Post by:Levres

Well today is Tuesday. I have one more final on Thursday and then I am officially finished with the semester. For all intents and purposes, though, I am done now. The last final I have is physics. It's an optional final. If I don't take it, I have a BC. If I do, there is a chance I could get a B or even an AB. What the hell, I'll take it. I'm not studying for it though. I fucking hate physics and a BC is good enough for me. I don't know the stuff and I don't want to learn if. If I can pull off a B, yay for me. If not, oh well. Glad it's done and I'll never have to take another physics lecture again. I do have to take the lab though...good god damn, I hate this school sometimes.

So the end is near. I got a B in differential equations which isn't what I wanted, but I won't complain. I'm hoping for an A in stats and an A in proofs. I am thinking AB or even A for bio. Hopefully a B or AB in econ. And hopefully a B in physics. That's all six classes. I should be able to get out of the semester with a 3.0 average which isn't too bad at all. I was aiming for a bit higher, but hey, I slack like nobody's business so I really can't complain.

Summer session is starting soon and I'm looking forward to that. I'll only have one class, educational psych, so I will be happy with nothing less than an A. I'm also looking forward to next semester. I'm just glad to be done with this one. Not that it was bad or anything, it's just near the end and I want to cut the cord, just be done with it already, rip the bandaid off, say goodbye.

As of this Friday at 6:00 p.m., 66 hours from now if my calculations are correct, I will be homeless. I still have no definate place to live and I have to admit that bothers me a bit. For weeks I've been worrying about how I was going to pay for housing and how I didn't want to have to use my savings from this year. Now I know I'll be able to pay for it with the tutoring I've been doing and with my tax return, I already have all my rent for the summer (assuming I can get ones of the places I'm looking at). Well, I have my interview with the place I really want tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:00, so hopefully I will have good news by then. Otherwise you'll all get to hear about it!

Okay, now for a small rant. I don't know how many of you are math people and if you'll understand or even care about what I'm saying. It seems that you're mostly English people, but I'm assuming that you've taken some calculus. Most schools require it. Anyhow, so I was tutoring this girl for math 127 (calculus for like bio majors and stuff, not for math majors or people that will need a whole lot of complex math in their careers). So she hasn't been to class in a while and she doesn't take good notes. She couldn't tell me how far she'd gotten and what's she's supposed to know and what she hasn't been taught yet. [I didn't want to confuse her by going further than the class covered.] So anyhow, we went over her exams and the practice exam for the final. I did all the problems the way that I was taught and the way most people who know calculus would do them. I showed her what I was doing, explained things until she seemed to have a good understanding. Blah blah blah. So I worked with her from about 7:00 until midnight (and keep in mind that I had an 8:00 am final the next day). So we worked for about 4.5 hours (at $20/hours that's $90 for me - ca ching). By the end of it, she seemed to know what she was doing and was hoping to do well on the exam. This was all last night. So I get up this morning and there is email from her. She says she's a little upset because I taught her "the wrong way" to do everything. After she left me, she studied with her roommate who had gone to a review session. Apparently, for all the integration problems I had taught her, the professor had taught them to use F(int). Instead of teaching integration, the professor had taught them to use their calculators to integrate for them. That's fucking useless. That's like your English teacher telling you how to download a paper from the internet (or telling you to have Stone write it for you) instead of teaching you how to write. Anyway, she was all mad at me for teaching her the wrong way to do the problems. I wrote back and told her that I wasn't giving her any of her money back. I taught her calculus, not math 127. Doing it the way I showed her would get her the correct answer with a better understanding. Whatever, it makes me mad that people take the easy way out. It makes me even madder when teachers JUST teach the easy way. Hey, I'm all for shortcuts and tricks and whatever, but there is something to be said for knowing how to do it the right way too.

So Crapster sucks now, but AudioGalaxy is good. I like it, I like stealing music. I don't like paying for things that I can somehow steal, or "borrow". I'm cheap, I prefer thrifty. I don't care.

I'll be posting over the summer too cause I'll be in this ghost town taking a class. Well, at least until July 13ish. Then who knows where the hell I'll be.

Had dinner tonight at the Outback with Wilson, Pappy, and Preacherman. I hate DC food, it sucks so bad. I like home cooked meals. Restaurants aren't bad either.

Nothing else useful to say. 1212 Out.

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