The continuing story of Bungalow Bill

In category:Sex
Post by:FlyingTim

This amazes me. I could write a goddam thesis on this shit, if I knew what any of it meant. Let me explain.

There's this pretty guy in my English class. I mean, goddam attractive, and I mean that in the most homosexual way possible. EVERY girl in the class stares and smiles and fawns all over him. And he's an asshole, cause he's an idiot, but he LOVES to talk. He'll always use a personal story to illustrate the point he's making according to the text. And all of his stories have to do with his girlfriend, who he talks about constantly.

Now, when someone talks about their significant other, it's usually a signal to the others to back off. I'm taken. But no. He's just too attractive. Girls ask him question, he ignores them. Every class period, they flock like swallows to Capastrano, each one doing that run/walk to the desk next to his. Girls get there real early just to sit near him. One time, he hadn't gotten there yet, and they all went and say down around an empty desk. All the girls were on one side, and us guys, there's like 6 of us, were on the other side of the circle. He comes in late, and all the girls smile and bat their eyelashes, like Elvis was walking in the room. He comes in and looks around, and sits down next to me, on the guy's side. Man alive, you wanna see the looks on these pathetic dames' faces. Their faces dropped to the floor. It was goddam hilarious. They sulked the whole class.

That's my story. I totally don't get women. Sometimes, though, us losers can sit back and laugh.

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