In category:Politics
Post by:LioConvoy

I just thought I'd chime in on this matter, with the spy planes and what not. One of the girls on the plane was a Penn State grad after all. My feelings on this matter as with most other political matters are this... I don't honestly give a sweet baby's dick about it. Now normally when I say I don't care, it's out of ignorance. Such was the case with this year's election. The choice between candidates seemed like the choice between broccoli and brussells sprouts, so I didn't do any research on them... the election just looked like it was a popularity contest to see who gets to maintain the status quo for the next few years. No, this lack of concern is not ignorance. It's reason.

Let's say all of you dumb bastards out there, that think if we don't run away like a whipped dog and apologize we're gonna wind up going to war, are correct. So ok, we're in a war... big fucking deal. First of all, there's no way anyone would use the bomb. Every country that has one is too fucking chicken to use, including us. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, though. No one would do it because it would start a world war that would destroy everything. "Sob Sob, What about a horrible ground war?" Once again. SO WHAT! First of all It's not like real war anymore. It's like a fucking video game. You sit back in the comfort of an Abrahms tank, knocking civilizations back to the stone age. Smart bombs, Howitzers, Stealth Jets, that's what it will all be about. Secondly, I don't see how this would effect any of us. Most of us are too fat/stupid/chronically ill to be accepted into the military if there was a draft.

So sit the fuck back and have a coke and a smile...

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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