The Art of War, Trip Home

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

I'm back home now.. I hate airlines, they suck ass. They're never on time for domestic flights. Anyway, let me backtrack and talk about the movie I saw last night.

The Art of War

I didn't know what The Art of War was supposed to be about, I had heard an ad for it on the radio on the way to the hotel (damn mofo driver playing easy listening pop). Anyway, it got me to want to see it so I went. I had to walk to the theatre (feh) so I left early in case it was a long walk.. it wasn't so I got there early. I like sitting up close, and since I was alone, no one was able to object to sitting in the fourth row. I had about 25 minutes to wait before the film was supposed to start.. so I sat there watching VERY blury adverts on slides. About ten minutes later, some guy walks down talking to someone and sites in the same row just on the other side of the aisle. He keeps talking, and every time one of those gay questions come on like "What is a gaffer?" and then two slides over they answer (It's the guy that does the lights.. the main light/electrical fellow). The whole time, the fucker is rocking in his chair a LOT.. back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.. I then look over and see he's alone and talking to himself.

Rat, pork, beef, and more

The only pauses in his conversation was when he took a bite of one of the six (yes, six) hot dogs he brought in. That's all dandy, as long as he stops when the film starts.

So the film starts.. well, previews at least. Still rocking, and he did quiet to a mumble (and eventually silent when the film actually began.. but still rocking). Thats when the belching began.. we all know about the hot dog belch.. and they fucking reek.

The film was good though. Wesley Snipes made a good covert agent, the use of technology was well blended into the show. I hate it when they try to show of fake technology. I recommend seeing the movie.

Anyway, I have so much to do by Friday it's rediculous.

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