The act of giving

In category:Money
Post by:Pappy

Okay, well.. here's the thing about Saturday. It is a grab bag.

The reason it is a grab bag is because then:

  • If you can't afford to buy something (although.. its $15.. steal it from your folks or something), then you simply don't receive anything and you dont have to feel bad.. maybe left out, but not bad.
  • It is too expensive to buy for all friends. I have always wanted to do a gift exchange with friends, but either I don't have the money or the friends dont..
  • It's fun.

This isn't supposed to be difficult or complicated. No need for excuses. Bring a gift if you want, otherwise don't. It's sort of like giving a gift to everyone, but only one person keeps it. And you get something in return. So, it has all the kindness of giving, but cheaper.

The funny thing is, I exchange gifts with people I don't even know. On IRC, I have 'known' some people for years.. but never seen them or spoken with them (mostly). Well, one of the people bought me a gift (I have an wishlist). So, I bought him a gift in return. I am sending gifts to a couple of other folks who are also sending me gifts. It's weird, and silly and sure, I'm not pleased about spending money.. but I do feel a bit obligated to buy them a gift if they buy me one.

This year I have spent more on gifts than ever, and the funny thing is I have the least amount of money to spend this year. I loaned out money to Caniprokis and Wilson, leaving me with $36.84 in my bank account. Yes, $36.84. I have $16 in my wallet tho. And while it might still be more than some people.. it is sort of a new experience to have no money. I'm used to having more than two thousand in my account. Bah.

It doesnt stop me spending though.. I am hoping I get a paycheck in January. But, it doesn't look like it anymore.

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