Thanks Stone!

In category:Life
Post by:Peps

Hey, thanks Stone! Well documented sources wrtitten by really smart people tell me that once you join the secret Jewish council you get to all sorts of cool things like control the black men as soldiers in your army to take over the world. And you get to take over the media too. You know it must be true because you never see anyone pushing the Jews around. And you never see any of that Jesus-guy on TV either. Yeah, and that Ernst Zundel guy tells me that you get to make up all sorts of stories about genocide. Because everybody knows that massive gas chambers are for de-lousing blankets, not killing people. Using appropriately sized gas chambers doesn't de-louse blankets nearly as well as very large gas chambers do. Using of course zyklon gas, rather than candy-ass poisons like DDT; because you want to make sure that those body lice are good and dead by subjecting them to levels of poison that could kill several dozen humans in one shot. Ah, I love logic.

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