Thank God that isn't true

In category:Misc
Post by:Levres

What a fucked up world we would live in indeed if such a drug was available and coming to a campus near us. That would be one more thing to be afraid of, one more thing to worry about every time you're having a drink and there are people around. Girls, could you imagine going to a party and waking up not only raped, but with your chances of ever having a baby taken from you? Boys, can you imagine your girlfriend being raped and then never having the opportunity to have your children if you get married or what not down the road a bit. How horrible!

Fortunately, fear not my good people, there is no truth to this.

From a site I'll link to below:

"The experts are saying it's a hoax, a fabricated story. We've checked with several sources for veterinary medicines and veterinary training schools and none of them has ever heard of Progesterex. The Food and Drug Administration, which regulates medications for both humans and animals, has no knowledge of it. The other drug mentioned, Rohypnol, does exist and has the reputation of being a date-rape drug. According to the FDA, it's not legal in the United States but is used in Europe as, among other things, a sedative. The FDA says it not only induces sleep, but those who have taken it frequently cannot remember anything that happened while they were under the influence of the drug."

Thank God. There are already so many things to worry about, who needs another as bad at this?

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