Tell me if this makes any sense.

In category:Sex
Post by:Calliander

First of all, I was being facetious about the Casey Martin thing, in case you couldn't tell. But yeah, the government shouldn't have to step in. That's just stupid.

Alright. Tell me if this makes sense.

There's this girl. Her name, we'll say, is Laura. I don't feel like saying "that chick" every time. Anyway... So Laura's in my compsci class with me. She's frickin' hot. Not somebody I'd ever expect to talk to. But it turns out that Laura is a cool person and talks to me. Now, normally I'd think she was talking to me because I'm the smartest person in the room and she wants to copy my homework and test answers. But no, she's just talking to talk. That's cool, whatever. The professor's a moron and I can joke about what he's getting wrong with her.

So midway through the school year, I rent a movie to watch at Caniprokis' house. I leave it there since it's a DVD, trusting that my good friend Caniprokis will return it for me. A week later, it's still there. So I yell at him to return it and pay the late fee for me. He said he did and I didn't think twice about it. Three weeks after that, I go to rent another movie. Turns out that Laura works at the video store. So we chat and as she starts to check the movie out, it turns out I've still got a fine on the movie Caniprokis returned. Not only that, but it took him two days short of a month to return it! It was quite a fine, needless to say. Definitely not one I could pay. So Laura erased it. She simply zeroed it out. Now, granted, I talked to her in class and we made some friendly small talk about school and whatnot, but I barely know this girl. At least, I don't know her well enough for her to say, "You know, he's a good friend so I'll just erase his gigantic late fee for him."

So I wait a while after I get home and give a call to the video store. I can't, in good conscience, just let her do something like that without making it up somehow. But no, she brushed it off as though it were nothing and then promptly had to go. And then, to top it off, she had a span of like six classes where she either wasn't there or was ignoring me. I didn't get it, but I didn't particularly care. This was a class that met once a week. Then one class she came in and began talking to me again.

That was close to the end of the semester. So I tell all my buddies about what went on. They agree that there's a chance she might like me. Like I said, she's a fox. By this time, too, I was starting to really hate the gas station and had decided to find a new job. I figured that working at the video store must be pretty easy so I asked her if they were hiring. She immediately jumped on the question and said that they were. She also said for me to come down on such and such a day and such and such a time because that's when she's there. So, okay, I'm thinking, "If she doesn't like me, it can't hurt to see if she'd like to do something with my friends and I. Maybe get to know her better." You know?

So I go down and fill out my application and she writes, "HIRE HIM" in magic marker on the top. We talked about how she thought she did on the final and whatnot for a short while and then I said, "Oh yeah, by the way, are you busy tonight? My friends and I are probably going to get together, watch a movie, get some dinner or something."

She said that yeah, she didn't have any plans and that she'd like to do something. And then, without even batting an eyelash, she wrote her phone number down for me. So, at this point, I'm thinking, "Gee, maybe she likes me?" Now, she said to call her later on when she gets out of work. I didn't ask her what time that was, but remember that she said she'd be there on that day for a set time.

So, I gave her plenty of time to get home, maybe eat dinner, talk to her parents or something, and gave a ring. Her mother answered the phone and informed me that Laura was at work until some ungodly hour of night. I told her mother that I would stop down there or something. My good buddy Stone informed me that doing that probably would make me seem like a stalker or too eager or something, so, not wanting to hear anything more from him I put it out of my mind and went on about my business. (I'm not good at arguing anything with Stone, he's too persuasive.) Quite later, close to the time she was supposed to be out, I left her a message on her answering machine with my cell number.

Three days go by. No call. So I called her before I went to work one day and got her answering machine again. I left another message with my number in case she'd accidentally deleted the message or something. Another two days, I still hadn't heard anything from her (though I had gotten the job). So, I said, "Fuck it!" and called her at work to let her know. She didn't sound exactly enthused to be speaking to me at first, but I informed her that I got the job and when I said that I was working on such and such a day, she was like, "Yeah, me too! You get to close with me!" and her attitude kind of changed. I asked if maybe that weekend she was available to hang out, again, with my friends and I. But she said some of her other friends were making her watch hockey or something and it would be tough to get out of, but that she would call me.

Again, no call. I shut my phone off before heading to bed with no call. So maybe she was busy. Again, I didn't want to appear too eager or something, so whatever. The work day comes and it goes by fine. She doesn't seem to be angry at me or disgusted by my presence. But, at one point during the night, some guy came in and spoke with her. I was busy rearranging some videos nearby but I overheard the guy ask her if she was dating anyone. Her answer was that she would rather stay single but that the guy she wanted to date was back for the summer.

Well, that was interesting to me. I moved further away and didn't get to hear anything else. But, still... does that make sense? I think I made it pretty clear that I was interested in her. And, apparently, she told the boss at the video store that I had hit on her. I don't get it. It makes no sense to me. Do you give someone your number if you don't plan on talking to them other than a strictly work/school basis? Meh.

Good day, folks.

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