Tang makes it all better

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Peps

WARNING! WARNING! Spoilers below. (I am a homosexual, and didnt warn you before). Be warned. Do not read this post if you have not seen the move "The Gift". I like cock

You know, I saw "The Gift" the other day. That Holmes chick died. Keanu (or however the fuck its spelled) Reeves was in it. He gave a stirring performance portraying a scummy redneck guy. I thought it was a wonderful performance, I mean I really believed that he was redneck scum, rather than surfer scum, as he usually comes across. The story was weak. I loved the courtroom scenes, however. The main character uses psychic powers to locate the body of a murder victim, and when the alleged murderer is standig trial the defence attorney questions the methods used by the police to find the corpse, since using psycic powers is unorthodox in police work. This was the basis of the defences' case in the trial scene. It ignored the fact that the there was a body found on the defendant's property, regardless of whether or not it was found by a psycicand it took up about thirty minutes of the film. What the fuck was that? It was the stupidest thing that I have ever seen. This scene made me laugh, although I was the only one laughing in the theater. The story had poor continuity, and I don't know what that musical scene in the middle was about. The moral of the story is that if you want to see this fim for that chick who gets naked, then don't. She dies after half an hour, and most of the nudity occurs after her death. Although I can't say that the story won't change your life in that you may be compelled to labodomize yourself half way through it. Although I think the guy that plays Schilenger on OZ is the sherif. Wilson. Don't die, man. Mmmm. Tang. So much better than that film.

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