Taking Control

In category:Journal
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Wow, this MC person sure complains about her life a lot. Sometimes it really pisses me off how people can bitch and bitch and bitch and not realize that the simple key to making things better is taking your life by the balls (or the female equivalent if you're female) and telling it who's in charge. This seemed to be a problem with many of the fine people in the kind group that took me in when I suddenly appeared at Branford High School. Of course, I was one of them. And I emphasize "was" very strongly. But from the small amount of contact I've had with the old gang since graduation (namely with Flying Tim, Calliander, and Caniprokis), I'm glad to see that everyone has worked out the some of the kinks in their lives and are trying to achieve their goals.

Of course, I'm sure a lot of you really don't care what's been going on in my life, but then again, nobody's forcing you to read this page. I don't frequent Branford as much as I used to, namely because I moved out of that town 2 years ago, and then my mom moved out this past summer, so I really have no reason to go there. Also, an ex-friend of mine with the initials MT (who is more commonly known as "Fucking Piece of Shit") decided to tarnish my reputation with a nasty rumor by telling someone I was gay, and then it spread like wildfire from there. Of course, I hanlded this with all the people that I still call my "friends", and everyone else can go to hell.

It was then that I realized that I needed to get back in the graces of friends that actually gave two shits about me, so I started hanging out with my North Branford gang again, and that was probably the best decision I could have made. Unlike the Fucking Piece of Shit who I thought was my friend, these people were actually there for me when I sort of had a mini-breakdown during October of last year. Everything that was bugging me came to a head all at once, and I almost didn't go back to Bentley, but it's then that I realized what I mentioned before. I had to tell my life who was in charge. And I did just that.

So since then, major changes have been occuring with the man so many of you used to call "Greasy Eddie" (thanks, Ali). I saw how good my best friend had done with it (lost about 80 pounds in 8-10 months), so I decided to try the Atkins Diet back in February. Man, was it the best decision I ever made. Sure, I had to give up all of the carb-loaded food I had grown (fat) to love, but replacing that with all the meat I could eat made up for it. I started in February at around 240 and at the end of this past summer I was down to 180, where it's holding steady. I also decided it was time to axe the long hair back in April, so I did that too. The way I used to keep it (you all remember...really tight with 10 milticolored elastics going down) was putting a large strain on my front hairline, and I don't want to be bald at 20, so I got rid of it all. Now I have a nice, normal, guinea haircut.

And boy, what a difference 12 inches of hair and 60 pounds makes. People actually talk to you. But really, I couldn't give two shits about everyone else. For once in my life, I feel good about myself. I'm in control, and I'll be damned if anyone's going to shit on me ever again. (So none of you end up being like our friend Fucking Piece of Shit. Okay?) That's it, I'm done.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." - Janus "Magus" Zeal

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