Suss Suss Suss Suss Suspect Device

In category:Drunk
Post by:Stone

Haven't posted in a while. Christ, I want to graduate. I'm really, really tired of being here. Do you think Insult would be more or less useful if the other 8 or 9 semi-active posters were people you didn't know? I wouldn't mind having some sort of Insult-like site staffed by a randomly selected group of 10 (no more) interesting people that didn't know me.

What do I have to say? I'd like to go into politics, I think. This post-college stuff can be really nerve-wracking, re-evaluating what you think you want, and all that. It's something I've avoided to a greater extent than most people in my situation. I've never failed a college class before, but somehow the possibility of that happening worries me. It shouldn't. I feel like I'm getting sick of changing, my personality changing, my life changing, my beliefs changing - and that's kind of scary, being sick of growing. It's a momentary thing, I know, but still. I'd like to settle into a new track.

I'm happy about how the war turned out. Given the number of now-silent war protesters on campus, I'd like to run around campus committing assault and battery with a shoe sole...bah.

I love sailing.

There aren't a whole lot of things about which I can whole-heartedly say that I love, but sailing's one of them.

Stun 28438 the Stampede

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