Sure Lio, we can get hitched...

In category:Life
Post by:Twistedevil

As long as you don't mind a chick who talks about farts and pus during meals:)

Anyways, good luck with the diet. I'm sure you look just fine now anyways! I myself, have come into contact with the "freshman 15". I thought it was a college girl myth, or due to the fact that all the eager sluts go on birth control pills, and figured I was safe since I had already been taking them for a few years. I suddenly think all that carefree cheese and bacon, bigmacs and death burritos have placed themselves on my royal kiester. I guess I am being a typical stupid girl. Everyone that I asked about my ass says it looks the same as it did when I was 100lbs. Everyone says i look more womanly now with natural curves. I suppose I looked like a Somalian a few years back. I by no means ever had a prob thinking about weight or anything like that, i was under serious stress in my sophmore year of school. I like to call it the "death diet". The "death diet" is when you lose weight unconsciously because a loved one dies and you are nervous all the time. My mom died in '97. Now I am getting all depressing:P

But anyway, instead of farting around, I am going put that damn ab machine to good use!

Here is a poem for Lio:

Once was a nice guy named Lio,
Went on Jared's "Subway" diet of Cold Cut Trios,
Got frustrated and cried, took a huge crap and almost died,
when he realized the extra weight was a CIA butt-hidden torpedo!

Ok, that was really silly!:) Have a good day!


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