summertime in the BFD

In category:Life
Post by:Caniprokis

i like warm weather, i like it alot, it means that good times are near with all my friends it means that the bleak colorless winter is over, it means spring is here, new beginings for eveything, for life for trees for love for friendships for fun, i love it. i love that i can go outside in shorts and a tshirt and not freeze my balls off, i love driving around with all my windows open and feeling the breeze run across my face, i love going down to the point, the ocean for those of you who dont know what im talking about and smelling that fresh salt air and listening to the waves what little ones there are crash against the beach. i love the pure energy that the sun gives you to just go out and do stuff. i love waking up in the morning and still felling the cool dampness of the night befor, you know that night you thought would never end with your buddies or that you wished would never end with the one you love, that makes you know that you can do it all over again tonight even though you may have to work during the day its all ok because your reveling in that bright blue maddness that is the sky, seeing the stark white clouds running along with that cool pleasing breeze. schools almost out and friends and loves will be together again soon, it puts a smile on my face just to think about it. peace 948 out

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