
In category:Journal
Post by:MC

Wow. This site has been pretty popular lately. I guess people are finally settling into their summer routines. Hmmm...summer routine, that's something that I don't have yet. In the little time that I've actually been getting out of the house, I've looked for a job. So far I have 3 applications but none of them look too appealing to me. Hell, I'm not a really big "go-getter". I'd rather just sit on my ass and let things come to me. But that philosophy is starting to go downhill as well because I'm getting bored off my ass sitting here at home in front of the computer. So with the way things are going, I'm thinking that I need to get a job just so I don't die of boredom.

Plus, there, I would have interaction with other human beings...something that I haven't had much of since I've been home. I think that the extent of my human contact has come from spending time with my best friend and her jack ass boyfriend. Geez...some people just never know when to stop. Do they have to rub everything in?? So yeah, besides spending time with my best friend, my day and time has pretty much been spent sitting online...talking to danz0r. The nights are the worst because I don't go out...and when I have plans to, they always end up ruined. So I spend the night in a dark room staring at a computer screen trying to find someone that will actually talk to me. So I fry both my eyes and my brain. I can't turn the light on in my room because it's so hot it's like a sauna, so I open the window, but there's no screen, so if I don't keep the lights off all of the mosquitos and other annoying bugs will come in a visit me. But then again, maybe that's a good thing. At least someone wants to hang out with me. Oh well, hopefully after the high schools let out I'll be able to find something fun to do. There's gotta be something fun to do in this state. Hell, I have to find something to do when Wilson's here. Otherwise he's going to be bored out of his mind. Poor Wilson.

Speaking of Wilson, I have to agree with his sentiments that missing people sucks. Yeah, I have friends back home (or maybe I don't...and I'm just saying that...but anyways...) but I've been home for 4 days, and I already miss my friends back at school like crazy. And talking to them makes it even more the worse, because you can hear their voice and know what they're thinking and saying, but there's no way you can see them to interact with them on a personal level, and that's not any fun. I don't know if I agree with Wilson on the percents though. I'm a pessimistic person, but I think that the missing people will be 100% worth it in the end. I guess it will be what you want to make out of it. I know that I wouldn't give up the feeling of being loved and having great friendships for anything in the world. Yeah, I sit here and feel miserable, but I know that when I see everyone again, things will be the same, if not better. Because then you have to make up for lost time. All the time that you missed talking and all the time that you missed hanging out, you get to make up for 10 fold. let's see. Well, Pappy told me yesterday that I really don't bug him, but I'm not so sure if I believe him. I tend to bug a lot of people, and if you don't believe me you can ask any of the guys on my track team at school, or my swim team here at home. I guess it's just one of my finer traits. Well, I don't know if I'd exactly say finer....but you know.... So I guess if Pappy really isn't annoyed with me yet, then that's a good thing, and I'll just continue to talk to him. That's also a plus because that gives me something to do when I'm sitting in my dark room at night. Cuz I know he will always be around. Even if he does go away and not answer my messages for a while.

As for the readings, of course danz0r would pick something of a political nature. That does not surprise me in the least. I guess that's just the way he is though. Me, now, I'm a big fan of Stephen King. You can't go wrong with ANY of his books, and most of his movies. That man is a creative genius. So that's my recommendation for summer reading...anything by Stephen King. It's quality.

Well, there's gotta be something to do here in good old Wisconsin, so I'm going to try to find it. I probably won't, but it's worth a shot...

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