Suck it

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Okay, so its a week into the year, and I have yet to put the new site up. Well, I'm busy, okay?

I am currently in Palo Alto, California at Preacherman's. This will be short cuz he has to go to bed now (it's 12:30AM). Anyway, I love it out here. The weather is fantastic. It's January, and I could be in shorts and a tshirt.. instead I opt to sweat a little in long clothing (but light clothing) because I didn't bring more than one pair of shorts). I am going to buy a bathing suit, cuz Preacherman has a pool that is heated and its actually nice enough out. The weather is very similar to Orlando this time of year, if that parallel works for you. It is also similar to central/western Europe in July.

This if my first visit to the sunny state of California, and it will not be my last. It's unlike anything else I've seen really. It has aspects of Florida, of South Carolina, and of Africa. Palo Alto has a mix of that, and its also a lot like Georgetown (DC).. which I guess is due to the Stanford University influence. The money tho.. the money.. boy, the money. Many movies take place in this area.. Sunnyvale more often. In the movies, you see tonnes of high end luxury cars and such.. well, its real. But its just so expansive.. like, the town here is huge, and the sheer number of BMWs and Mercedes around is insane.. there are also a lot of used ones for sale.

I ate lunch at KFC today. Sitting there, looking out the window at the news paper machines, I saw five people come by and get a paper. Four came and got the free employment magazine. One picked up a paper that is just personal ads. I found this sad, amusing, and shocking. Palo Alto is so full of tech workers.. many out of work, and lonely. Sad. But, many many of these people are really not that skilled. They really have no place in the tech sector, since they really can't do anything.. many had jobs for 2 years without doing anything, but kept around to gain technical experience and were suppoed to be sent off for additional training.. they just got left around until they decided to fire them. Many others were hired and received six months worth of pay before they had a task. Nevermind the fact that their employers were providing services to clients at no charge. Anyway.. blah blah.

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