Stupid Ratings... late late late

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

"I'm really looking forward to wiping hunch over there off the face of Insult forever."

I felt I needed to address this issue. This was something that our good poster friend Gatekeeper said the other day in regard to the proposed ratings system. This is exactly the reason that I was against it!

Now, granted, hunch may be a bad poster. I'm not going to be a judge of that. However, if he has something to say, albeit one line long, he should be able to say it without the threat of someone like Gatekeeper, who dislikes him, being able to censor him. It's reminiscent of the "warning" feature on AOL Instant Messenger - we posters shouldn't have that power. I think that should be solely in Pappy's hands, and if he gets an insane amount of (legitimate) complaints about something any of us post, THEN he should lower the quality rating. That's a much better policy than letting us do so because I know for a fact I'd be silencing quite a few people.

Don't think I'm on your side, though, hunch. And don't think I'm against you, Gatekeeper. I'm neither: I was just using your little post war as an example. Having sex 23 times in 5 days is something you shouldn't mention because, dammit, I'll never achieve that. It's incredible, don't get me wrong, but depressing to pretty much every poster on here (with the exception of Lio Convoy because he has sex 23 times a day as a male prostitute). That's a lot of latex.

And someone help me out on this one. Anyone remember Beetlejuice and that whole shrunken heads part? Let me know if I'm seeing things here:

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