Stupid eBay People

In category:Television
Post by:Calliander

I'm currently listing something on eBay for sale. At the bottom of the auction, in big letters, above where you place your bid, I have a note telling people not to e-mail me to end the auction early. About twenty minutes after the auction first appeared on eBay I got two e-mails from people looking to get me to end early. So I put that note in there. I checked my e-mail a little while ago to find three people asking me to end the auction early. Not a one of them specified an amount, they all just said, basically, "What would it take for you to end the auction and give me the stuff?" Idiots. If I'd wanted a "Buy It Now" option, something you can specify during the creation of your auction, I would've put it there!

There are also a lot of people with zero feedback. Almost all of them have the "shades" icon next to their names. This means that they're all new idiots who don't know a thing about how to bid on an auction. A few of them have six or seven bids in a row. "Oh, I want to be cautious and pay as little as possible!" Moron. Whatever you put in, SOMEONE is going to beat until the auction ends when you're dealing with such a popular and sought-after item. So you might as well just put in the most you're willing to pay. Bidding isn't for cautious morons, it's for people who have money to burn, dammit. Meh.

On another note, I think we should have computer natural aptitude tests. I run a site with files you can download. Sometimes, for no reason at all, instead of asking you where to save these files, the browser will display the entire file as text. Don't ask me why it does this. But you'd think people know enough about computers so that when that happens, they'd use the "Save Target As..." (or equivalent browser action) option and be done with it, right? Wrong. I've got people messaging me on AIM to tell me that, "such-and-such a file doesn't download," and that, "it only displays text, can you send it to me in e-mail?" Meh. I should sign each of these people up for weekly pr0n newsletters. They're so dumb, they'd probably assume they'd signed up for it themselves. Morons.

Finally, if my neighbor is so concerned about her cat that she'll yell at me for trying to scare it away with snowballs, why doesn't she bring the fucking thing in at night instead of leaving it out so that it can meow at my window?!? What the fuck, lady!? Suck my dick! 947 out!

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