Stuff and things...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

First of all, I'd like to explain myself further in this whole politics discussion. First of all, Spodudz0R, I never meant to say that Clinton was a shitbag... I just don't see any reason why we should, as Peps said, deify the man. I mean, I know shit about politics, but I see no reason why Clinton should be seen as some christ figure, and I sure as hell don't see any reason why Gore is even considered a good use of flesh.

I don't consider myself a republican. I don't consider myself a democrat. I'm too liberal for one, and too conservative for the other. I'm just tired of partisanism with my friends. I mean, Stone, you have good reasons for believing as you do. You are able to back up your arguements, and explain why you feel as you do, and even though we don't see eye to eye often, I respect your opinions. Now Calliander, you are a different story all together. You say shit out of left field, without any back up at all. For some reason in your head Clinton was godlike... I mean he wasn't bad, but do you really have any reason for believing this? It's like your still asking yourself what would Rage Against the Machine do? Democrat == good... no matter what. Republican == bad... no matter what. What sense does this make? There can be good republicans, and good democrats. Your criticism of George W. Bush is as rediculous and close-minded as even the most conservative republican. I mean, granted, he's a silver spoon homo, but so are all politicians... but what has he done to deserve the criticism that you give him, besides being the son of a bad president. Would you like to be judged on the things your father did? Am I saying that George W. is going to be a good president? No, i'm just saying, wait for something bad to happen before you condemn him. Give the man enough rope to hang himself with.

Till All Are One...

LioConvoy out...

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