
In category:Misc
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

First of all, Lio is completely correct in his statements that Al Gore and Bill Clinton are horrible human beings, Clinton would be sucking his Daddy's tit if it would benefit him and Al Gore has regularly sucked his Dadddy's tit. Al Gore is a whining insincere bitch, Bill Clinton is a horrible waste of flesh, and Bush is a loveable figurehead. John McCain or Bill Bradley would have both made excellent presidents, but they didn't win so we should at least be happy that Al Gore didn't, I know I am.

As for the drinking thing Pappy, I can relate. Everyone I drink with is either under 21, in Florida, off at school or people that I hate (The K man). And I really want to hit the bar scene now that I'm finally over the hurdle, in the promised land or alchoholism, over 21. When Wilson and Pappy and Stone are back in town we should go to a bar, if Pappy and I have ID's then Stone and Wilson could probably get away with saying they didn't bring their driver's licenses. If we look like 4 college buds getting some brewskies and 2 of us have ID then they'll probably be like "Fuck it, come drink". We'll play pool and look all slick and Pappy and I will get laydays, it'll be sweet.

Lastly, video game reviewers are idiots. Every review I've seen for Spawn on Dreamcast panned it mercilessly, so I figured it must suck. Then today I'm in Milford and see Spawn on the rack in Funcoland, and the cover is some sweet Spawn artwork and I love Spawn so I figure what the hell, I'll try it out. So I'm there trying it, and it's a great game! It's like Power Stone with phat weapons and swords, gore, dozens of Spawn characters, it's crazy fun. So I make an impulse buy and take it home, figuring "That might have been dumb, maybe upon further review I'll see that it gets boring quick and stucks". I only had time to play it for an hour and a half when I got home, but it was still just as fun, it's a great game, fuck reviewers. I think the problem with critics in general is they get warped by all the free games/movies/whatever and forget what it's like to be an average person looking for entertainment. They get all their shit for free, they're out of the loop. Mallrats was one of the most universally panned movies of all time, critics all loathed it, and it was one of the greatest movies of all time, ever! I'm tired so I'll close by saying that critics can suck my big black stuff.

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