Story Time

In category:Drugs
Post by:Caniprokis

Alright, its late and im bored so im going to recount a story for you all that has become legend in our little group, those of you who were there please feel free to add any of the fun little tidbits of this i may miss, i was the one after all that was least sober.

let me set the scean for you all here. its 1998, spring semester, im still in high school, but FlyingTim, Pappy and Wilson all went to UMASS. So friday comes and ive planed to go up and visit my friends in college, stay at the dorm meet some new people and have a good time. little did i know that i would spend most of the weekend in FlyingTims room playing Tribes and drinking beer out of a way to big cup half filled with coolade lemonade. so i get up on that friday night, meet "The Fonz" FlyingTims roomate who leaves as soon as i get there comes back later that night and really nothing happens i spend a night on a dirty floor wishing i waited till saterday to come up. Saterday, we wake up at about or 1pm and go eat breakfast, now i would have liked to eat at any of the wonderful DC's there at UMASS but no we drive into fucking Hadly and go to dunkin donuts, anyways the day is pretty uneventfull untill about 3pm. at this time Logan is on his way Logan being at the time my best friend so im all set hes coming were all going to party together itll be great so knowing this i go into my wallet and pull out what i came up to do that weekend, a nice and big Purple Geltab of yummy LSD.

Now this is only the second time i had ever used Acid so after about an hour and not feeling any change i start to think that i got burned and start to get pissed, Flyingtim tells me to chill out, so i decide to give it a little more time, after this point things start to take a turn....

Tim puts on Darkside of the Moon figureing it would be the most logical thing to listen to and he puts it on his computer with a program that follows the music with some kind of colors and movement sceam it was new at the time and some what intreaging. the next thing i know the cd is over and tim is just standing there looking at me...its working

about 45 minutes later Logan calls hes lost at some biker bar trying to find the campus he eventually gets here and call from the street. we have to go down and meet him to bring him up. fine i say ill stay here where its no says tim you have to come with me to get him. ok ill go we go downstairs and tim remebers that i cant leave because i have to get checked in and out so he tells me to wait here and he will be back.....wait here and ill be back.....wait here and ill be back...thats really all i could understand at the time so i did, i waited did not move, people came and i freaked out but did not move, it was a rainy night and i was standing in the doorway getting wet, there was a street light at the top of the hill of the dorm i was looking at, and looking at and looking at. the light just kept getting bigger and bigger and turning all kinds of different beautiful shades of blue, the light started to dance with the rain, back and forth it danced the ripples on the ground even got involved, it was quite a show....but then suddenly it stoped. i realized i was alone except for the RA standing next to me. dont ask me what happened next because i dont know, the next flash of memery i have im standing in front of a badly out of tune piano playing some kind of melodic funk rif.......wanna know a secrete....wispers-i dont know how to play piano-.....and tim taps me on the sholder and i turn around to Logan and tim just laughing at me.....very funny guys you left me for so long tim-dude weve only been gone for 5 minutes. oh boy...........

Logan, he was suppose to be my safty, he was suppose to keep me ocupied with cool things and keep me in a good mood, instead he shows up and starts pounding beers and gets way to drunk to even think never mind play with a trippin kid. so were in Tims room waiting for Wilson and Pappy to come so we can go to friendlys to get some food and i find a bottle of Jack Danials in the fridge. haha i think its mine noone knows i have it but i better finish it before anyone sees, i promtly start to chug the entire bottle, about 3 or five seconds later Loagn performs one of his only good deeds of the weekend and rips it out of my hands and tells me im not allowed to touch it again, i listen and start to feel a little sick, but i get over it and end up just really Drunk and Trippin.

we dicide that my car will be the best to take, mainly because i dont know any better at this point, first i decide tat Pappy should drive i dont really know why but he seemed to represent some kind of responsibilty to me at the time, he cant even get it out of first gear and i start yelling at him to get the fuck out of my car ill fucking drive. god deed alert #2 logan says why dont you let tim drive...sounds good to me..tim you drive ok were off to food.

trees are funny things then your moving in fact moving is a funny thing when your trippin, being in the car felt like i was flying, i opened my sunroof even though it was raining it all looked so pretty the rain felt like thousands of tiny cool pelets hitting my face, it was soothing and calming, i enjoyed my ride it was fun the headlights started to dance with the rain and the road colors shot out of no where streaks flew through the sky every car that went by was twice as big as i remeber cars being, people on the street were moving very very slow and yet very very fast, some dident move they just stood and looked as if i was a caged animal on display...look look that kid is no no, they dont know your trippin relax.

FRIENDLYS AND THE CLOCK: so we get seated and im looking at a menu, or so im told, Logan starts to yell at me in german, Wilson tells me to order fries, the man comes, he looks at me, i look at him, he asks me what i want, i think, i want fries, just tell the man you want fries and a coke....i hide behind my menu, i literly take the menu and put it over my face. Logan orders fries and a coke for me, good deed #3, so the man leaves and i put down my menu, Wilson looks at me, dude look at that big blue clock over there. now there really is a giant free standing blue clock in the friendlys i later learn but i look and wow that is a really big clock and what a funny color....about five minutes later dude look at the huge clock over there...oh man is it getting bigger??? i think you know where this is going, by the time we leave that clock is bigger than me and i run out of the place.......the car ahhh safty.

the rest of the night is pretty much just me trippin sack in tims room but there is one more importnant detail i must inform you of, this is where all of Logans good deed points get thrown out the window...literally.

were in my car and i put on my new korn tape that i bought that day, i like it and its good but Logan decides that it corporate rock and it sucks and he starts geting me going and im like yeah man fucking industry fucks fucking everyone trying to make it on the local scean and i rip the tape out of my car and throw it out the window. 1...2...3. . .NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY NEW TAPE!!!!!!! and we never found it tim kept driving and i forgot about it ten minutes later.

The End

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