Still Very Fine

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

I'm typing on my roommate's laptop, downstairs (I hate laptops). The screen makes everything look like British television. That is all.

Well, I dunno. I thought I was feeling the same lack of concern you were talking about, but I've been really excited the last two times I've received papers back (because I've been getting A's, heheh). I don't care one bit what grade I'm getting on this paper I'm writing right now (for the worst class ever, a class on children's literature). Taking this class is probably the worst idea I've had in the past few months. INANITY. And I really, really dislike my TA, although her empty-headed vacuousness is very suitable for the course. This isn't good vacuousness, either. Like, aggressively blank banality.

I'm hurt that Hoggle didn't like me. Oh, Hoggle, why?

I think the cup of coffee I'm drinking right now is the first decent cup of coffee ever to come out of my coffee maker. I bought a coffee maker at the beginning of the school year, the nicer one out of the two offered at Sears. The coffee I've been using is ground coffee, you buy the beans and they grind it for you. And yet, the coffee that comes from it is just barely drinkable. I think I'm a moron.

There's no fucking way that an $800k house is upper-middle - an $800k house thoroughly entrenches a person in the upper class.

This upcoming week is the last week of class for me. There's something called Slope Day, where on the last day of class (being 5/4, people crowd this steep slope on the center of campus and get horribly horribly drunk. The police walk around, but don't do anything - normally they would, and public drinking isn't okay here, ever, unless it's slope day. It's funny, because a lot of these kids will get shit drunk, and then go right to the library to start studying for their Orgo prelim or whatnot at say 5pm, still not sober, but unable to not study. Port-drunk and bean beans.


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