Still fucking jetlagged

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

This was supposed to be an early night.. as was every other night this week, but nooooo.. I am up. I want to start making up proper names for stupid things. Punctuation should follow. This is the sort of bullshit that keeps me up at night. I gave in, put on The Headphones, turned up the volume, and loaded The Phish. The primary reason is simply because I havent listened to one of their albums in a few months. So tonight it is Farmhouse, a CD that will not function anymore (while it is still Generally Functional) in The Shitmobile. And I load up, something I generally only read in the morning (comics).

Calliander.. you're so god damn french and you can't admit it. Shame on you. It's not like you fence or anything, and there do exist French-Americans who bathe regularly. You can't lie behind the stereotypes!

How can you teach basic computing to people over the Internet? That means they need a computer and the Internet to learn it.

I woke up at 9am today (got 2 hours of sleep).. I am forcing myself to wake up at 9 each day in the hopes that i doze off earlier in The Night. I worked pretty well today, I am still a bit behind on things, but I caught up a bit today. The Job is generally a pain in the ass, but for less than likely reasons.

I took off at 4PM and arrived at the gym at quarter past, late of course. I wandered the maze of the old PE building and found my roommate and his girlfriend. Not even ten minutes into my stair climbing (by now, had done over 100 floors @ 14 floors/minute average, which is completely unrealistic since I could never do real flights of stairs like that), I felt overheated.. I was swooning when I made it up the stairs, my hearing replaced by buzzing. I saw some guy and tried my best to ask where the water fountain was, in a volume I hoped was normal. I watched his mouth say "Left, Right, Left, Left". My mind was drawing the words in my mind, it is the only way to remember. Next thing I knew I was gulping ice cold, heavily treated water. I then realized that the last time I worked out was in March 2000. I quickly cooled down and went back downstairs, slowly pushing the pedals on an exercise-bike for a few minutes. My roommate, an exercise science major, made up some sort of free-weight program for the day. In the past, when going to the gym I have always stuck to the machines simply to avoid the embarassment of using light free-weights. The only other folks in the room was the dim kid Dave at the desk, an overly built tiny man in his 30s, and a post-menapausal woman with the most saggy, odd gut I have ever seen. So I am pumping free-weights, quite a bit lighter than what my roommate is doing during his sets, but still too hard for me.

My arms just wanted to stop moving on me, and my hands.. my hands felt locked to the weight, it hurt to open my fingers to let go of the weight. Probably not the wisest decision, but I just ignored it.. maybe I just need to strengthen my hands. About an hour after arriving there, I had a strong case of cotton mouth, and had so little desire to continue. I never got like that before working at a gym. I am going to be sore tomorrow, and worse the next day. Once I got outside into the cool air I felt refreshed and good. I opened my car door, got in, and strained to put my seatbelt on. My arms were so dead. Turning the steering wheel was such hard work. I didn't have the effort to go buy some food to cook up on the George Forman and some other oil for the fryer, the oil that my roommate bought isn't as good for fries as vegetable oil. So when I got home I just made myself chicken tenders, had a nice cold beer, and chilled.

I feel like I may actually doze off if I get in The Bed, so g'nite.

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