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In category:Misc
Post by:Stone

On an episode of Seinfeld, I remember George Costanza saying something about how life's backwards. It'd be much nicer if you got all the nasty dying stuff out of the way, lived in a senior citizen's home to start, got the later-in-life work done early, and then as you became older you'd be able to enjoy being young more, being a kid would be lots of fun, and then you'd pop back into the womb and things'd be over.

I wish school semesters were like that too. If I could take my exams at the beginning of the semester, I'd get so much more done. By the end of the semester, I'm tired enough that I hurry through papers, procrastinate, leave off studying, things like that. I've got an exam to study for on Monday, and I've spent all day cleaning and refreshing Insult. Terrible. Only a day or so left. I'm surprised we haven't seen more retrospective posts about how it's been four years since high school, things like that. Maybe in a week or two?


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