Starting a lie..

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

I was in the computer science lab today, killing time between classes.. I was actually working on some code for work. Someone I sorta know from CS sat down next to me, and we started talking... he asked what I was doing, and I said it was for work. So we both started talking about our jobs and such.

Now.. the thing is, I automatically tell people I am a programmer for this company.. it isn't a lie, but I don't like to elaborate and say what else I do. No one needs to know that I give handjobs to my boss every so often.. anyway... I just feel sort of silly saying what I say.

On another note, I am amazed at how out of touch I am with people. Like.. I mean.. electronically. A year ago, I'd chat with people more.. now I don't seem to. I am on IRC a fair amount, but that doesn't count. Also, people I used to see more regularly I never see anymore.. I dunno. I need to stop working so much.

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