Stalking the Right Women For You..

In category:Sex
Post by:Pappy

Getting a job to be closer to someone you want to date isn't a good idea. Calling repeatedly isn't a good idea either. If you are given her number, you wait the obligatory two days. Do not look up her number. If she gives you one number, and you find another, do not look that one up.

There are a few cases where you can look up a number. But its tough. For instance last fall I looked up a girl's number I liked because she was the only girl I knew the name of in the class and I needed an assignment. It worked out well because two and a half hours later I was still on the phone with her. But it would not have worked to call her out of the blue and ask her out over the phone. I wish I had tho, because by the time I decided to ask her out in person it was too late in the semester.. or so I thought. I'm a moron tho.. that's just me.

If a girl doesn't call you back, you don't keep trying her. If she doesn't call you back you can wait a few days. If you see her before you talk again on the phone you probably shouldnt bring up the phone message you left.. if the girl is interested, she'll call you. On the other hand, don't put things off or never ask her out or something.. as much as it sucks to be direct and ask a girl out, you sorta need to do it.

I don't really have the balls to ask girls out. Days of very profound flirting can go by without me really being able to say the words. I suck at communicating through verbal speech. And it's really stupid because looking back I can see that the odds were extremely high that if I asked the girl out to do something, she would have said yes. But my stupid brain doesnt want to ask the girl out if she has a boyfriend, etc... too many scenarios run through my mind and I just put things off until it really is too late. I am currently talking about last November. By the time I figured I could ask the girl out (who skipped class too much for me to talk to her as much as I'd like) I found out that she was going abroad for a semester. I kept running into her all over the place too... ah well.

But basically you really can't show up at the girls house or work until you have some sort of relationship going. Even if you are really desperate, you don't want to show it... desperation can be seen as weakness too, not to mention annoying. Also I think you need to wait for the phone to ring less.. if it rings, it rings, if not you move on. You really don't want to put other things on hold while you wait.

I don't nkow anyone who has done this, but giving a girl a gift (whether flowers or whatever) is a BAD idea unless you are dating. Bringing a bunch of flowers on the second or third date is okay I think, but dont send the flowers or gift unless its a birthday or you've been dating a while. I personally think its not in good taste to send a girl flowers after you first have sex. That might just be me tho.

PS- Thank you to whoever sent me all that porn today. I really appreciate it, you sick mother fucker. I hope you lose a nut to an amish man with a rake.

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