Spring Break 2002!

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Well, Spring Break 2002 has been good so far. Real fun, but unfortunately it looks like it is over for me. I have two projects due right when I get back :(.

I haven't ranted in a while.. I've sort of gone off the site, I don't like dealing with shit, so its easier to ignore it.

The park on a foggy night is awesome. Last Friday was memorable, it truely is one of those nights you can never really forget. Sure, I'll forget the details (already have).. but I'll never forget the way the world looked in that haze, illuminated by the wharf lights and the moon. The temperature was warm enough to be seated on granite. It was nice.

Saturday was quite a wretched day. I was soo soo soo hung over, and I raelly think drinking expired beer was to blame because I didn't have that much. I've had more and been fine. But I wouldn't give up Friday to avoid Saturday. Once I cured my nausea, Stone and I went to see Resident Evil.. I don't know anything about the video game, but the movie was quite good. Milla Jovovich (sp) is HOT and NAKED in the film. Stunning body on that gal..

Today I woke up with a flat tire. I woke up early (before 9am) because I had to go to the optometrist. I took my brother's car to the doctor's.. my vision has improved which is cool. My contact lenses are now -1.00 which brings my vision to a swanky 20/15. I hate the glaucoma test.. I know I don't have glaucoma, and if I do it is already being treated. Anyway.. so I came back and removed my tire.. took it to a tire place (where wils0r's cousin works apparently) and had it fixed.

On a side note, I must say that the family resemblence between wils0r and his cousin is amazing..

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