
In category:Sports
Post by:Pappy
       adj : (Maine colloquial) temporary summer resident in inland Maine
       n 1: an active diversion requiring physical exertion and
            competition [syn: {athletics}]
       2: the occupation of athletes who compete for pay
       3: someone who engages in sports [syn: {sportsman}, {sportswoman}]
       4: an organism that has characteristics resulting from
          chromosomal alteration [syn: {mutant}, {mutation}]
       5: verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken
          seriously); "he became a figure of fun" [syn: {fun}, {play}]
       v 1: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was
            sporting a new hat" [syn: {feature}, {boast}]
       2: play or romp around; "The children frolicked in the garden";
          "the gamboling lambs in the meadows" [syn: {frolic}, {lark},
           {rollick}, {skylark}, {disport}, {cavort}, {gambol}, {frisk},
           {romp}, {run around}, {lark about}]

As you can see, golf follows that definition. There is absolutely comptetition for pay. Now, you may question whether or not they are athletes... well, they are. Members of a debate team are considered athletes. An athlete is a person who competes for a prize in some sort of game or contest.

Baseball is plain shitty. Hockey rules.

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