
In category:Entertainment
Post by:Calliander

Well that's interesting. I thought Lio would be like, "DUDE, YOU HAVE TO GO SEE SPIDER-MAN! IT'S THE COOLEST MOVIE EVER!" like all of the people who come into the store that I know. People seem to forget that telling me that I have to see something tends to make me NOT want to see it. Now, I have intentions of seeing the movie, but those intentions are slowly being chipped away by these crazed goons telling me it was the best. Now, obviously, nothing holds up to Fellowship or Star Wars, but Spider-Man looks cool. Whereas, Titanic looked like shit from day one, but I grew to hate it even more when people told me that I HAD to go see it. Don't you people look like shitheads now! Hehe.

Shit yeah, I'm Nightcrawler. I always thought he was the coolest character in the Genny video game. Pass through walls and shit. Dark blue skin and hair. Word up. Nightcrawler represent! I could do that cool hairstyle, too.

I don't know what Stone's bitching about with this "Hannity & Colmes" thing. There isn't a right wing conspiracy going on here, dude. All of us liberal/democrat types look like we could scare children and eat babies. I don't know where the hell you have been. Have you looked in a mirror lately? Christ, look at Joe Lieberman! HIS FACE IS MELTING! If that doesn't scare children, I don't know what will. I won't even get into my own looks.

Missing image: /pics/scaryman.jpgMissing image: /pics/kickass.jpg

Calliander, keepin' it fresh for '02, YOU SUCKAS!

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