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In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Well, I am fucking tired as hell, and I don't want to go to classes today. Went out last night, and I didn't fall asleep until way past 2am. Sharing a bed with a more-or-less stranger is also odd. I don't really know the girl, and she doesn't really know me.. so I really didn't want to make her uncomfortable, but how do I know what she considers comfortable?

Now, this is a twin-long bed.. and its against the wall. Initially, I lay down on my side on teh wall side, with my back to her.. she did say something then, and i rolled over. Now, I didn't know what was going on.. a game of footsie began, and next thing I know we had our arms around eachother (it was a slow process.. I didnt know what she wanted). But eventually I dosed off, and I woke up again at around 4am, now overly warm for some damn reason. I pointed the fan inside the room instead of outside, and that helped..

The only reason I would advance to more touching was by testing the waters.. you know, like touch a little.. see if she responds, then you respond... and you keep going like that. The problem is, some signals can be read two ways and it just confused the hell out of me.

She left within the last hour.. I woke up at 8am and she was still there, and then at 8:45 she was gone. I'm still confused.

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