something in the way...........

In category:Journal
Post by:Caniprokis

sometimes when im walking down the street (lord knows that dosent happen to often) i think about how much fun i used to have befor i got a car. when i had to walk everywhere and my world was as far as i was willing to walk i think i had alot more stuff to do. like back in the day when i was a sophmore in high school me and some kids used to get really stoned and walk to the supply pond and go swimming and that ws awsome and then wed come back to town and eat at like shoreline and then get high again and go swimming again. and the fire siren would go off everyday at 1200 noon so you knew like that you still had all day to be fucking high and walk around, and i mean it was fun and there was so much less bullshit. it was just befor everything got really bad like after that summer those kids got really heavy into some serious drugs that i just wasent down with and they started haging out with these sliznuts that would fuck them anytime they wanted like even like when other people were in the room, do you know what its like to be playing street fighter all zooted and all the sudden look to your left and see one of your friends getting a blowjob....kinda freaks you out. but you cant say shit cus your the only one that dosent do that and think its kinda strange so you keep playing street fighter and hope they pass out soon from the wet they just smoked, see this is when it really started to get weird and i bailed from these kids and it was a good thing too cus all of them but 1 droped out of school that year and most of them at some point got arested fuck that i am not getting arested im smarter than those fucknuts........ anyways im getting off topic which was that things just keep getting more and more complicated till one day you realze that ita happening and you can try and simplify your life but you cant and it fucks with your head and then you end up walking into a mcdonalds and eating the left side of the menu and then pulling out and uzi and killing everyone in the place and then you think greatb ill go to jail where tings are simple all i have to do is beat the shit out of somebody the first day and never bend over in the shower.....wrong ever watch oz...................yeah 948 out

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