So and so

In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

Update! Everything is going well, for me. The financial aid problems that harass me every semester resolved themselves unusually quickly this time around (in a day or two after I started thinking about them, which is weird). Feeling healthy, interested. I'm in a D&D campaign, now, or, well, one adventure into a D&D campaign, which is sweet. It's something I haven't been able to do in the past few years, here. I'm far too lazy, I think, when it comes to most social things- meeting people, remembering their names, that sort of thing.

I'm living with my girlfriend right now, will be for the next 5 weeks, which is a different feeling - it's good, just feels very adult, in an odd way. Classes all seem fine. I feel like I really need to 'buckle down' this semester, if only to prove to myself that I can work at a high level on non-English subjects that I actually care about. I'll see, I guess. I care this semester, I think.

I don't even miss Branford overmuch. I'm taking a handguns class and another sailing class this semester, and both should be good (I may drop one or both, though). I have Fridays off, sort of, Handguns is my only class that day.

Well, that's all.


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