snow and a mustang

In category:Drunk
Post by:Caniprokis

SO iu just got home from walking about a half mile from where my car totally spun out. iut was pretty fucking cool, i was flyinh down parish farm road and i came around the bend for the turn up the hill and all the sudden im turned around, im just glad i missed the tree. im runk nas fuck now as im writing this and i was dribibg home in the fucking snow from mfucking crazy but im stilla live thats all that matters. alright time for bed but hey!!!!IM FUCKING ALIVE!!!!!!!  and thats kor than i deserve. fuck life i was hpoeng it be over tonight, close but no cigaR. ALRIGHT WELL LATER HPOEFULLY YOULL ALL BE READING MY OBITUARY BEFORE TH END OF 2005! PEACE FUCK FACES

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