Slobodan Milosevic

In category:Misc
Post by:Stone

I'm so tired right now. Very, very tired. I haven't slept much during any of the past five or six nights, and, eh, it's strange. A few seconds ago I noticed that 10 minutes seemed to have just passed in the blink of an eye, without me noticing, and that my tie was then now wet for some reason.

I'm trying to figure out what the nicest bad/possibly insulting thing anyone's ever said to my face. Something where, even though whatever was said was a genuine criticism of a real negative characteristic, you're still kind of happy that you have that negative characteristic. Someone called me conniving in a poker game once, but I don't think that's got enough upside on the back end. There's probably a worst-nice-thing-anyone's-ever-said too, don't know about that.

I keep loading up to make the time pass more quickly - it doesn't make the time pass more quickly. I think beige paint keeps me up.


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