
In category:Education
Post by:FlyingTim

You know, I do enjoy not having to live in a dorm anymore, but commuting and living on campus both have their pros and cons. I mean, if I lived on campus, I wouldn't have to tell anyone where I was going, I could eat ice cream for dinner and not come back to the room until monday morning. But, when and if I did come back, I couldn't sleep because of the noise in the next room, or an idiot roommate has decided that it's 'Vacuum Day,' or something. But commuting does have some big good things going for it, the shower is always clean, there are people here to give me money if I run out, I can sleep when I want, and there's always good food around. If I lived in a dorm, the showers are always kinda suspect...the people there don't have money themselves, and the chances of there being good food around are very slim, unless you have a George Foreman grill. Then food is always George-Tastic. But, I know for myself, if I don't have someone there to nag me to pick up my room, I won't. (Sorry Pappy, you're absoutely right. That room WAS a fucking pigsty.) Also, if I went away to school, there's a lot of new things I have to learn. Where classes are, tons of new people, how to get to the mall...etc. And I hate having to do shit like that. It's probably a fault of mine, but I don't particularly care for large amounts of change. And now that I commute, and it's the end of the semester, it feels like i should be doing something...everybody gets to leave and come back, but I don't go anywhere, which I miss. What was the point of this? I have no idea. No one forced you to read this.

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