Site design

In category:Insult
Post by:SpoDudeZ0r

I think I like the new colors more, and I like the black backround. My only suggestion would be to make the posting column narrower, I can't fit the whole thing on my monitor at 800 by 600. Other than that the new design is very good, good work. And Lio, if you see that girl at the party next week initiate a conversation with her so she knows you like her at least on some level, many times I've fallen into the trap of testing to see if a girl likes me by letting her keep initiating conversations and do all the legwork, and eventually she figures I don't care and doesn't approach me anymore, and then I figure "Oh, I guess she didn't like me that much after all". Little ego games like that are really insideous, I think most of the time we don't even realize we're doing it. Did everyone hear that Fasa is going bankrupt? They sold the Shadowrun license to some company I've never heard of but is run by one of the original founders of Fasa. It's probably our fault since we stopped dropping assloads of money on Shadowrun sourcebooks. I kinda miss Shadowrun, I mean yeah we played it wrong and all but making all those different power characters was fun, and it was fun to just fuck around and do crazy shit and tie up American Dream like Hannibal Lecter so he wouldn't ass rape the guy we were paid 3 billion yen to protect, only to have Blood's Mecha Troll end up raping some important guy's daughter while the mage changed "Ahhh help!" to "I love it el presidente!". Memories.......

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