Sir Chilly Willy

In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

Calliander - the reason it's been hard to get in contact with Caniprokis and I, at least, is that we've both been working a lot, both during the day and at night--our boss is a cock. Things will even out soon, like, next week. It's all good, jigga.

I wonder if I would be better off if I attempted to indulge all of my whims. Like, I think random things about how I'd like to live my life, and I tend to dismiss them for being insignificant, or whatever. Like, I really hate china, porcelain, for eating off of. I would much, much rather only drink from and eat off of good crystal. I could deal with metal, too. But, that's so random, and pretty impossible to follow through with. I'd like to just wear seersucker short sleeve button up shirts with spread collars. I hate button up collars. I dunno. I'd like to be much more particular about everything.

Work is good. Being able to work with friends is good. Being proactive is excellent. The past week has made me realize how fantastic my girlfriend is. I also like brandy.

Finances do suck, but, I'm feeling like they'll perk up soon enough.

I've realized that for me to be happy in the summer, I need for my friends to like me, I need to read regularly, or do something that doesn't make me feel like an idiot, and I need to have money. That's the triad- all I really need.

J had tornados very close to her house last night, which is normal, because she lives in a part of the country that has those all the time. But, nonetheless, it's fucked up...I don't really understand why people would choose to live in parts of the country that have natural disasters. New England doesn't have any--shitty hurricanes that get shoulderblocked by Long Island don't count. And, it's bothersome, her being out there, for me.

Lio, the way I see it, you should start following Dave Matthews around the country. And then, when all the rich stoned girls come out of the concert, you can sidle up to them, and do the little stand still dance, and they'll swoon, and just pimp yourself out to them. But, yeah, fuck the man. You'll probably be able to get something soon enough.

Stn 2k

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